College Democrats

College Democrats


Elon's College Democrats is an organization all about connections; being connected to what's going on in the world, to other people's ideologies, and being connected to the crazy, ever-changing world of politics. College Dems prides itself on being a place where people with common political ideologies can discuss current events, engage in political discussion, attend relevant events, and become more educated on what exactly is happening in the world. This is a great way to meet other students with similar views and an interest in politics! 

All are welcome! You don't need to know anything about politics or be a Democrat to join! 

We sometimes host political speakers or local politicians running for office, as well as fun events like documentary movie nights and partnerships with other orgs!

We are committed to keeping students informed and facilitating bipartisan dialogue across campus. 

Follow us on Instagram for updates and information about our events! @eloncollegedems

Join our groupme to learn about events and get invovled


Contact Information

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